Message to Carpenter’s Woods Visitors (Park Rules)

We are happy you are able to enjoy our lovely treasure of Carpenter’s Woods during this difficult and stressful time. In order for us to continue to keep the park and trails open for your enjoyment, it is important everyone is mindful of others and is respectful to this special place.

Please follow all the current health guidelines for personal and community protection, including wearing masks and maintaining a minimum of 6 feet between you and any others not of your household, whenever possible. Do not gather in groups of any size. If possible, try to time you visit to Carpenter’s Woods for times that seem less crowded, for your protection and the protection of other visitors. Being outdoors does not provide protection from the virus.

Please follow the Carpenter’s Woods Rules listed below.

With the influx of neighbors who might not have entered the woods previously, there has been some confusion as to what is permitted. Please be respectful of these rules and each other, for the safety and comfort of our visitors and continued protection of this sanctuary.

Carpenter’s Woods Rules

All dogs must be on leashes not longer than 6 feet.
Unleashed dogs in public are in violation of Philadelphia law.
All dogs must be under control at all times.
Report off-leash dogs to Animal Control.
Call 911 in the case of dangerous or threatening dogs and get to safety.
Report any incident of dogs harassing, hunting, chasing, or killing wildlife to the PA Game Warden, as this is a violation of PA law.

Bicycles are NOT permitted anywhere in Carpenter’s Woods.

No unauthorized motor vehicles are permitted in Carpenter’s Woods.

Horseback riding is NOT permitted in Carpenter’s Woods.

Consuming alcoholic beverages while in Carpenter’s Woods is prohibited.

Weapons are prohibited.

Smoking is prohibited, in accordance with City Ordinance.

Dumping of lawn, construction, commercial, and household waste anywhere in the Park is a violation of Philadelphia law.
Call 311 to report illegal dumping and let FoCW know about it.
Take a photo, if you are able to do so safely, so officials can take appropriate action.

Please do not remove or disturb any plant, parts of plants, or any animal, nor stones, soil, or water from Carpenter’s Woods. 
Carpenter’s Woods is a protected wildlife habitat and forest. You are only a visitor to this home for wildlife.

Practice “leave no trace” activities, only. 
Take all trash and dog waste out of the woods when you leave.
Remove any “constructions”, such as lean-tos or stick tents, before you leave the woods.
Do not attach anything to any tree, shrub, or plant in the woods.

For those of you who wish to ride bicycles in nearby wooded areas, there is a bike trail between Allens Lane and Cresheim Valley Drive and several of the upper trails in the Wissahickon are open to bike riding.

For those of you with questions about the quality of the stream water, be aware it is not considered potable at this time. While it may be cleaner than many other streams flowing through the city, it still is likely to carry unsafe chemicals and organisms at any time. Chemicals used on lawns and from the streets are regularly washed into the stream bed when it rains, Any open freshwater can support many microbes, some of which can be harmful to humans and pets. For your safety, we recommend thoroughly washing any skin, clothing, and your pet’s fur that has been exposed to the stream water as soon as you get home and before consuming food.

Friends of Carpenter’s Woods hopes you may continue to find relief and renewal by visiting our beautiful woods.

May you and your loved ones be healthy and safe as we work through these unusual circumstances.

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