Tree Damage on the Edges of Carpenter’s Woods

Many of you have noticed there was recent chemical spraying along the edges of Carpenter’s Woods, causing considerable native tree sapling death. Please be aware this treatment was not authorized by Philadelphia Parks & Recreation or Friends of Carpenter’s Woods. We were unaware it was happening; there were no warnings or requests for authorization to do this work. We apologize for any inconvenience and discomfort this incident has caused.

Friends of Carpenter’s Woods has been actively working with officials at PP&R to identify the responsible parties and make them fully replace the damaged trees. Also, we are working with PP&R to develop better methods to ensure incidents like this will not happen again.

Friends of Carpenter’s Woods recognizes the significance of our beautiful woods and its important place in our neighbors’ lives. We will continue to work steadfastly to protect the health of Carpenter’s Woods for all of us and our future visitors to enjoy.

Thank you for your patience while we work to satisfactorily resolve this situation.

Linda Goschke
President, Friends of Carpenter’s Woods

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